When I was young and learning PE (physical education) in school we had a pretty basic education of how to make the body do stuff and then generally try to make it do more stuff, move faster, lift more etc. There was no talk of body awareness, working with your body, pre-conditioning and only a very rudimentary approach to warming up, …
You Won’t Be Able to Resist Stretching With Resistance
Right from the very beginning as babies, we stretched with resistance. Over the years as we attended school, however, we forgot how to do this as we were taught to relax and stretch as far as we could.
Strength Vs Flexibility & Fighting Your Instincts
Flexibility is a hot topic now, as is natural movement and increasingly clever ways of working out that lead to strong, flexible and capable bodies. If you are someone who is naturally flexible, this may be a question you do not think much about, but on the other hand if you are more like a plank than a person, you may be …
How Stretching Can Benefit Your Workout
Stretching before exercise has become controversial in recent years following a few studies showing that stretching within 30mins before your exercise session can actually increase chance of injury and reduce performance. Obviously, that is not what anyone wants. I want to talk about how you can use stretching to your advantage so you can get the most out of your …
Assisted Moving Stretch Sessions
I recently realised that most people have no idea what an assisted Moving Stretch session is like, so I thought I would write an article on the experience – both from my point of view as a trainer and from the client’s point of view. Most people think of assisted stretching as passively lying down and have a trainer do …
Instinctive Stretching
We all know what stretching is – or do we? I find that among movement, bodywork and other experts there can be different interpretations of what counts as a stretch, what’s a movement, what’s just relaxing, as well as what is good and bad for you (I would call the latter over-stretching or incorrect stretching rather than just “stretching”). At …